Supporting film & media professionals in Vermont
About Us
VPC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit established in 2021 by working professionals, to support established and aspiring artists in film production and related fields. We exist to facilitate collaboration, mentorships, networking, and more.
We amplify and promote the work already happening in Vermont while supporting the continued growth and development of the creative industries here.
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Faces of Film & Media
Members of the Vermont media making community share their joys and challenges as creators.
Click a slide to visit their website and learn more about their work.
Programming 2024
2024 is off to an exciting start! We were honored to speak to our legislators as part of The Vermont Creative Network’s “Creative Sector Day” in support of the Vermont Arts Council’s proposal to have VPC operate a crew & locations database, and be a central point of contact for the industry in the state.
We walked the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development through feedback we gathered via an informal poll of our network, and demonstrated the value & use of a crew and locations database.
Help us continue and expand programming!
This April we are partnering with the Made Here Film Festival and Vermont Public to present table reads from the Vermont Screenplay Incubator, which we created to support a pipeline of Vermont homegrown film projects.
We are excited to present and sponsor more opportunities for industry growth, community building and educational programs. Your contribution will help to fund more opportunities like the screenplay incubator, regional meet-ups, and supporting the film & media community in Vermont.
We hope you can help us continue to be “STRONGER TOGETHER.”
Programs & Events
On Instagram we share news and work samples from local creators, whether their audience is local, national, or worldwide. Follow to see the wide variety or work created locally and tag @vtproductioncollective to have your work featured!