Crew Directory
Creating an online directory of crew, cast, locations, and production resources is critical for the growth of the industry in Vermont, and will facilitate collaboration between local artists as well as productions from out of state. It remains one of the top priorities for local media makers, so VPC has done substantial planning and research, including consulting with web developers regarding the creation of an online database.
The state of Vermont heard the pleas from media makers and has included the creation of a database in proposed legislation H.434. We decided to advise the state regarding an online database instead of creating our own and potentially add confusion. If you would like to see an online database for media makers, we hope you will consider reaching out to your local representatives.

In the meantime, the most effective way to reach out to find collaborators is by joining VPC’s private Facebook group, tagging us on Instagram to share crew calls, and reach out to us if you would like to be included in our monthly newsletter.
Read below for information and background on legislation to create a Vermont Office of Film and Creative Media.
In March 2023 H.434 proposing the creation of a Vermont Office of Film and Creative Media was introduced to the VT House Commerce & Economic Development Committee. This bill would delegate the coordination of film & media in Vermont, as well as authorizing the research of incentives which would make it more inviting to film in Vermont, as well as promoting and supporting local media companies and professionals.
The bill will likely come up for vote in the 2024 legislative session, so if you want to see more support for film & creative media then:
H.434 is the result of extensive research conducted by the Vermont Film and Media Industry Task Force, including consulting with multiple state film commissions, consulting with local professionals (including Vermont Production Collective), conducting two community listening sessions, and analyzing data from various incentive programs.